Sunday, November 18, 2007

Central's Biggest Loser

I'm sure you've all seen the show, "Biggest Loser," about pleasantly plump people who desire to lose the most weight and win the prize money. The school where I teach decided to have our own contest...those interested put up $10 each, weighed in, and will weigh in again on the last day of school before the Christmas Holidays. A total of 20 people signed the prize is a cool $200...right before, yeah, I could use that to buy a lot of jingle bells!

It sure sounded like a great idea...but what about the timing...I mean, we have to go through Thanksgiving holidays in the middle of this contest. What was I thinking? Timing is a crucial factor in just about anything - a race, a comedian's punch line, engine timing...and the timing of this contest is a true test of will power. Not to mention being married to one of the best cooks on the planet...Danny Musso!

Let's get back to timing - "the spacing of events in time." The definition seems so simple, and yet I think about God's timing. Although at times, I don't understand why the answers to my prayers aren't immediate, I'm certain of one thing...He is large and in charge. He knows what I need and when I need it. He provides the answers at the moment that will have the greatest impact on my life. I believe that sometimes God's timing is used as a discipline, it invokes trust, total reliance, and patience!

God is totally aware of how many grains of sand can fit through the narrow center of the hour glass at one time...He is very selective of which grains will fall and when. My part in this is to listen...and to surrender all! Can I do this? Sure...but there will be the occasional "time outs" that I will experience along the way. These "time outs" are for my brain to catch up with my heart, and for my heart to catch up with "the heart of the Father!" we go...carrot sticks, Special K, salads...I'm on it!

Momma Moose

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Don't Wake Me Up...

This past weekend about 1300 women had the privilege of attending Healing Place Church's first (now annual) "Live The Dream" conference. There are no words to describe the empowerment that flowed down from heaven through vessels like Chris Caine, Holly Wagner, and the and courageous Tammy Trent! I very rarely take a day off from work...but I treated myself to the entire conference; Thursday night, all day Friday, and Saturday morning. And I'm so glad I did! These messages of hope, faith and strong belief were powerful and motivating!
There were many tears shed, just as many laughs, and a full altar at the end of the conference...women who were laying it out there...seeking forgiveness and a Savior! Just in case you are wondering, they received BOTH!
To DeLynn and the LTD Team, the months of preparation, planning, details, and incredible labor proved to produce fruit for the've accomplished one huge task! Thank you seems inadequate for the encouragement and guidance that spilled from the altar...but I'll say it anyway, thank you!
Blessings to you and yours,
Momma Moose

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hearts That Hurt

About 2-1/2 years ago God brought this family into our lives. An amazing single mother, Jennifer, and her two incredible children, TBarry, and Madison! The friendship that formed was truly "all God!" Today this precious family is going home to Illinois...and I must say, we all have heavy hearts! But I believe that this is part of God's plan, it says so in Jeremiah 29:11. The faith that has been displayed by this trio of goodness is something that we can all aspire to possess...a deep faith that is matter what this world uses to try and "shake" it!

Our lives are richer for having known them, they will be forever in our hearts...and in the house of God! I look at this as the beginning...not the end...of many trips to Illinois! I look at this as part of the tapestry of life, with a thread coming into the pattern here and weaving out of the pattern there...but still a vital part of the weave!

My prayer is that God will show them more mercy and grace than they have ever known...and reveal to them the reason that He needs them up there in Illinois! We love you Jennifer, TBarry, and Madison!

Momma Moose

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A New Year

For those of us who teach school the month of August holds many of those things is hope! As we returned to school last week to ready our rooms, sit in meetings, and begin planning, I realized something. The excitement in the air is energizing, the anticipation of a whole new group of students is motivating, the possibilities on the horizon are endless! These three factors; excitement, anticipation, endless possibilities, are all intertwined with hope!

As I meditated on this, it became increasingly evident that hope is a wonderful platform on which to stand. Can you imagine the hope that God has? Especially on days like Easter Sunday or Christmas Day? His hope is that all of His creation will someday return to Him...this may seem "hopeless" to us...but to God it's the foundation of creation! He continues to "hope" for us, even when we fall from grace.

I saw another type of hope this past week among some teachers. Unfortunately it was not the "hope" of was a selfish "hope" - "I hope to God I don't have _______ in my class this year...I don't know if I will be able to handle him or her!" Instead of seeing ______ as an opportunity, some teachers see _______ as a punishment.

So...I guess my hope for this school year is that I will be a light, be able to listen carefully and guide correctly, see the hearts of the students and be able to penetrate those hearts with the love, hope, and compassion of Christ.

Have a blessed day,

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Before My World Awakes

In my house I am just about the only one who enjoys early's not because I set my alarm or anything, I just wake up...usually between 4:30 and 5:00. I've learned that this is probably a self preservation allows me to have time all by myself. This time is extremely important because it affords me the opportunity to do my quiet time, journaling, blogging, and bible reading...uninterupted!

This may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but it's huge to me! On the days where I don't get to do this I am living undirected...things are just about a half a bubble off! I haven't allowed myself to be still, listen, and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Not a way that I want to "do life!"

Even though I constantly seek the will of the Father throughout each day, the mornings are always supreme! Maybe this has significance because with each new dawn comes another day - filled with the mercy and grace of our Lord. Another day given to me to try and make some difference in this world. Another day to be able to speak His name and grow in His love!

If you start the day off with things in the right perspective, success will soon follow! So...I'm off to another day! Be blessed!

Momma Moose

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Blessings...and Hope For The Future

It's been quite a while since my last post, but the "lazy days of summer" aren't really that lazy! During the last month I've been so amazed at the blessings of our Father and the stirred up hearts of our just astounds me! I was fortunate enough to be able to attend one of the services during the Submerge Summer Camp for our Refuge group at San Destin. From the moment they opened the doors and the teenagers came pouring in, there was an energy present...this energy was more than just excitement. It was none other than the Holy Spirit, fueled by the power of our Savior, manifesting itself in the hearts and minds of tomorrow's generation. These young men and women were on fire, pumped up, and basking in the love of Jesus Christ. The leaders planned, and more importantly executed, such a fantastic evening of games, strong "expresso" worship, and then Reverend Spike delivered a great message quoting the apostle Paul and his specific guidance to Timothy about being young, but also being respected by his elders. What a blessing it was for me to be able to be witness to such an event!

After the summer camp, we're back to the same routine, but with a twist! Now many of the Refuge members are gearing up for the mission trip to L.A. Dream Center. Morning prayer is an integral part of their preparation. To see these young people getting up at the crack of dawn, placing themselves in the secret place where God can speak into their lives, and realizing that this is what it is all about is truly a blessing! The discipline that they have in this area is something that can only come from the Father...because I remember when I was 16 or 17 years old...getting up at 5:00 a.m. to be at church for 6:00 a.m. was not my idea of fun!

I know that Jesus will take them from great to greater during this trip. He will broaden their insight into the work of the Kingdom, He will strengthen their faith, He will increase and they will decrease! To be able to observe the changes in this group is a blessing to me!

Till later,
Momma Moose

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pamper Night... & Toes Give Me A New Insight

HP Women have been gearing up for this night for months...hours of planning and organizing, all to provide "services" that are not a part of the regular routine of most women. Fabulous food, manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, the atmosphere was that of a high end spa. Now...I'm not a very primpy person...I don't spend too much time on my makeup, hair, or clothes. I'm most comfortable when I'm in a pair of old, comfy jeans and a t-shirt.
My friend, Bert, encouraged me to come to Pamper Night. I told her that I really didn't get into all that...but I would love to come help out. So I arrived last night and was greeted by wonderful women who wanted to show me the way to the services that were provided. I quickly told them that I was here to help out, to work wherever they needed me. They led me to a person who was "in charge" and she said that they needed someone in the "pedicure" area to remove the toenail polish from the feet of ladies who were waiting to get a pedicure. Man...was God checking my heart! Here I was desiring servanthood...and He places me at the crusty feet of women who had come expecting pampering...OK, now was the time for me to place the towel on my arm; or better yet, a nail polish remover soaked cotton ball in my hand and get to work. In a day of "me-first mentality" it is beneficial for us to be called back to a heart of service to others.
One of the funny things about this job was the look on some of the ladies faces when I told them to sit down and let me remove the old polish. They were shocked..."you're going to touch my feet? Are you sure you want to do this? Really...I can do it myself." I had a time convincing some of them that this was part of the "pampering!" Just sit back, enjoy your chocolate covered snacks, and let me prep you for your pedicure!
But the highlight of my night was when this elderly lady sat down with her plate of scrumptious goodies, looking a bit like a "doe in the headlights." I knelt down at her feet, introduced myself, and ask her to remove her sandals do I could take off her old polish. She immediately looked embarassed, and starting apologizing for her feet. I tried to get her to relax...and allow me to do this, and then she started telling me "her story." It was fabulous...she was 75 years old, had never before in her life had a pedicure, and her feet were calloused and cracked because of years of working barefoot in a cotton field. She was one of 13 children who's father was a plantation foreman and everybody worked from dawn to dusk in the fields...even the children. She was so excited about the night, she said that she felt like a queen, something that she had never experienced! What an incredible time for me...for HPC...I can't quit thinking about her! I believe that, through service, God wants us to make an impression on our community, a mark on the lives of His people, He wants us to leave His fingerprints everywhere we go.
I had an awesome time last night...and from the toenails of many women, God gave me some new insight into the heart of His Son...who came to earth as a servant!
Have a blessed day -
Momma Moose

Saturday, June 9, 2007

God's Response To Crying Out

We are involved in a slamming Life Group for "mature" (no...not old!) married couples called Homes By Jesus. This group has been meeting well over a year, and in this time God has surrounded us by people that He knew we needed...and, in turn, needed each other! Our time together once a month has been many things...1) educational from the biblical standpoint - constantly stretching our knowledge, understanding, and application of the Word, 2) encouraging - just by the sheer fact that we are not alone - we're "doing life" with others who believe, and 3) emotionally strengthening as similar people share similar "storms" and more importantly, the response from the "Calmer of the Storms."
Last night I received a phone call from one of my closest friends, who is a member of our Life Group, with some disheartening news. Her son-in-law and grandson were involved in a serious auto accident, they were at OLOL Emergency Room, but she believed things were going to be OK. I asked her if she wanted me to come up there and she said no, just start praying. I contacted several Life Group members to relay the news and we began the prayers! About 45 minutes later another phone call came and through her tears and choked words about "bleeding from the brain" and "neurosurgeon" I realized that this was a time to cry out to our Lord! I told her that I was on my way, jumped out of bed, got dressed, and was at OLOL in about 25 minutes...calling the other Life Group members on the way with the update. When I arrived I was told that her 13 year old grandson had a blood clot and bleeding on his brain and that he was waiting to go into surgery to relieve the pressure put on by the bloodclot and fluids.

When faced with "storms" many people react in many different ways. Some people get mad, others yell, some retreat to their 'own little world', emotions like anxiety, frustration, and anger surface. We find out that these emotions won’t solve our problems, and they won’t make us any closer to the Lord. Most of the time they make us fog out as to what our response should truly be...a time of crying out. When we cry out God listens...believe it or not, God is already on the scene. He is expecting us to respond appropriately with our emotions to what He has planned for us. How amazing is that? His response is directly related to our response!
After all, He is the One Who gave us our emotions. He knows best for us. Human emotion is perfectly normal as long as those emotions are used for God’s Glory. Sound too technical? Not at all...we prayed with Austin before he went into surgery, we cried out to God to relieve his fear, to bring comfort and peace to his worried parents, and that we believed in the promises of the Word! The surgery went fine and he was in ICU by 2:00 a.m. Today, another CT scan was done and guess what? No more bleeding on the brain - I'm reminded of this verse that has been with me for about a week now from Isaiah 65:24 which states, "Before they call I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear."

What a great day it is...I give Him the glory for His power, mercy and grace!
Momma Moose

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Finding Faith

Last night Pastor Johnny Green preached the first of the new Life U series on "Networks." His material was fantastic, his delivery was awesome, but most of all...his message was annointed! One story he shared was about this young lady from his seminary days, who was searching for answers. According to Johnny, he thought he had all of them, and then she posed this question, "How do I get faith?" As Johnny fumbled for a spiritual response, he soon realized that this was a question that would puzzle even the greatest theological minds.
First of all, let me say how much humility was displayed by Pastor Johnny...he didn't have to share this story...a story of failure, early in his pastoral career, which could have affected his confidence and courage to continue to answer God's calling on his life. But there was some "meat" to this well as a happy ending. About a week later the young lady told Johnny that she had "found" faith, by asking Jesus into her heart, alone in her apartment, without witnesses, without the heralding trumpets, without pomp and circumstance...just she and's as simple as that.
I've been pondering this question myself since last night. It's a valid one, but a tough one. According to the bible, - Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen… to clarify this statement it is the reverse order of natural law, seeing is believing, into believing is seeing. Pretty mysterious...but with words like "substance" and "evidence" you think that we would have the answers in some sort of logical and reasonable way. When in fact we're not dealing in the realm of the natural, with faith we're dealing in the realm of supernatural. It's tough to explain, even tougher to live by, but truly the basis for our beliefs in the promises of our loving God!
Today I hope I get, or should I say recognize, an opportunity to share my tap into a fulfill my part of the Great Commission!
Blessing to you,
Momma Moose

Friday, June 1, 2007

Happiness is ...

I'm so pumped about this Sunday, our Homes By Jesus group (hosted by the fabulous Yvonne & Parnell Bourgeois) is looking at happiness. What makes a person happy? What makes a marriage a happy one? Why do some people find happiness so easily and others seem to be constantly searching? In doing my "homework" for Sunday I found this by Max Lucado on the subject:

“We are not happy here (on earth). We are not happy because we are not supposed to be happy here. ‘We are ‘like foreigners and strangers in this world.’ (I Pet. 2:11) And you will never be completely happy on earth simply because you were not made for earth. Oh, you will have moments of joy. You will have glimpses of light. You will know moments or even days of peace. But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead.”

When I read this it gave me the same feeling as the excitement and anticipation before going on a trip. You prepare ahead of time, making reservations for flights/hotels/rental cars, getting the laundry done so you can pack the suitcases, farming out the children/grandchild to various relatives, making arrangements for the dog, mail, etc., going to the bank to get cash. It's all necessary for the success of the trip...and the night before your departure you're so fired up you can hardly sleep!

But how do we prepare for eternity? Have we researched the best travel options to get to our heavenly home? Have we packed the right stuff in our luggage? Have we taken care of the little details so that everything will go smoothly? Preparation for our destination...that's what it's all about...but that's not enough...we must realize that only by the grace of God will we arrive at the place where we will find true happiness! I guess we should enjoy the journey, but stay focused on Jesus, His Word, and His grace!

Are you packed, yet?
Momma Moose

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Old Dog...New Tricks! this is my first time blogging! For all of the "under 40" crowd it might seem like no big deal...but for those of us who grew up typing on an Underwood THIS IS HUGE!
Anyway...I enjoy reading the blogs of some of the HPCer's and I said to myself, "I can do this!"
This weekend was incredible...Saturday night at HPC was a blast and I hope this will become an annual event! Congratulations to those who planned and executed this was fabulous! Sunday and Monday were spent poolside with great food and family...notice that the food came first!
Today will be a great day...Danny & I are having ourselves...alone...with no children or grandchildren! I wonder if we'll know how to act, it's going to be fun!
My scripture for the day is Titus 2:7 which says, "In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned." Perhaps I should read this every morning before going to school and standing before 200 impressionable minds and hearts. Maybe I'll create a bulletin board with this as the header...that would really wake-up and shake-up some folks!
Have a blessed day,
Love, Momma Moose