Saturday, June 9, 2007

God's Response To Crying Out

We are involved in a slamming Life Group for "mature" (no...not old!) married couples called Homes By Jesus. This group has been meeting well over a year, and in this time God has surrounded us by people that He knew we needed...and, in turn, needed each other! Our time together once a month has been many things...1) educational from the biblical standpoint - constantly stretching our knowledge, understanding, and application of the Word, 2) encouraging - just by the sheer fact that we are not alone - we're "doing life" with others who believe, and 3) emotionally strengthening as similar people share similar "storms" and more importantly, the response from the "Calmer of the Storms."
Last night I received a phone call from one of my closest friends, who is a member of our Life Group, with some disheartening news. Her son-in-law and grandson were involved in a serious auto accident, they were at OLOL Emergency Room, but she believed things were going to be OK. I asked her if she wanted me to come up there and she said no, just start praying. I contacted several Life Group members to relay the news and we began the prayers! About 45 minutes later another phone call came and through her tears and choked words about "bleeding from the brain" and "neurosurgeon" I realized that this was a time to cry out to our Lord! I told her that I was on my way, jumped out of bed, got dressed, and was at OLOL in about 25 minutes...calling the other Life Group members on the way with the update. When I arrived I was told that her 13 year old grandson had a blood clot and bleeding on his brain and that he was waiting to go into surgery to relieve the pressure put on by the bloodclot and fluids.

When faced with "storms" many people react in many different ways. Some people get mad, others yell, some retreat to their 'own little world', emotions like anxiety, frustration, and anger surface. We find out that these emotions won’t solve our problems, and they won’t make us any closer to the Lord. Most of the time they make us fog out as to what our response should truly be...a time of crying out. When we cry out God listens...believe it or not, God is already on the scene. He is expecting us to respond appropriately with our emotions to what He has planned for us. How amazing is that? His response is directly related to our response!
After all, He is the One Who gave us our emotions. He knows best for us. Human emotion is perfectly normal as long as those emotions are used for God’s Glory. Sound too technical? Not at all...we prayed with Austin before he went into surgery, we cried out to God to relieve his fear, to bring comfort and peace to his worried parents, and that we believed in the promises of the Word! The surgery went fine and he was in ICU by 2:00 a.m. Today, another CT scan was done and guess what? No more bleeding on the brain - I'm reminded of this verse that has been with me for about a week now from Isaiah 65:24 which states, "Before they call I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear."

What a great day it is...I give Him the glory for His power, mercy and grace!
Momma Moose

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