Thursday, July 19, 2007

Before My World Awakes

In my house I am just about the only one who enjoys early's not because I set my alarm or anything, I just wake up...usually between 4:30 and 5:00. I've learned that this is probably a self preservation allows me to have time all by myself. This time is extremely important because it affords me the opportunity to do my quiet time, journaling, blogging, and bible reading...uninterupted!

This may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but it's huge to me! On the days where I don't get to do this I am living undirected...things are just about a half a bubble off! I haven't allowed myself to be still, listen, and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Not a way that I want to "do life!"

Even though I constantly seek the will of the Father throughout each day, the mornings are always supreme! Maybe this has significance because with each new dawn comes another day - filled with the mercy and grace of our Lord. Another day given to me to try and make some difference in this world. Another day to be able to speak His name and grow in His love!

If you start the day off with things in the right perspective, success will soon follow! So...I'm off to another day! Be blessed!

Momma Moose

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