Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Old Dog...New Tricks!

OK...so this is my first time blogging! For all of the "under 40" crowd it might seem like no big deal...but for those of us who grew up typing on an Underwood THIS IS HUGE!
Anyway...I enjoy reading the blogs of some of the HPCer's and I said to myself, "I can do this!"
This weekend was incredible...Saturday night at HPC was a blast and I hope this will become an annual event! Congratulations to those who planned and executed this celebration...it was fabulous! Sunday and Monday were spent poolside with great food and family...notice that the food came first!
Today will be a great day...Danny & I are having lunch...by ourselves...alone...with no children or grandchildren! I wonder if we'll know how to act, it's going to be fun!
My scripture for the day is Titus 2:7 which says, "In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned." Perhaps I should read this every morning before going to school and standing before 200 impressionable minds and hearts. Maybe I'll create a bulletin board with this as the header...that would really wake-up and shake-up some folks!
Have a blessed day,
Love, Momma Moose

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Yeah mama moose!